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Devil Dogs

Link: Band's Web Site

Releases We Sell:
  • Choadblast  
  • Radio Beat  

    This article originally appeared in NFH #18 in the winter of 1990. Thus long before the eMpTy record came out.

    Without any apparent warning the Devil Dogs have sprung out of nowhere. Well, maybe it's hyperbole to call New York nowhere, but there sure as hell wasn't any indication that there was going to be a record as good as The Devil Dogs coming out of the Big Apple in the near term. Produced by Billy Childish of Thee Mighty Caesars, the lp features buckets of loud, fat racy guitars and songs so dripping with brilliant power pop hooks you'll think you've died and gone straight to heaven. There's echoes of the balls-out style of Johnny Thunders, the Ramones, and the Sex Pistols, but there's also a stronger pop feel than these bands, a combination that results in a record that rates as one of the ten best of the year with no reservations.

    Given the fantastic quality of the end product, it's strange to hear the gyrations that went into the making of the record. But the road through the studio was torturous...the band leaving the studio wasn't even the same band as the one that went in. They started out as the Rat Bastards, and played under that name for about a year. They recorded under that name in November of 1988, but decided they weren't happy with the results so the material wasn't released. In March of 1989 they went in for a second try, and half way through the Rat Bastards were completely through; a guitar player was jettisoned and his tracks on four songs were erased and redone as a new three piece, the Devil Dogs, emerged from the studio in April clutching the scorching master tapes for The Devil Dogs....

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